Wednesday 29 September 2010

Tougher tests for motorbike riders

Tougher licence tests and more specific training is on the way for motorcycle and moped riders.

Transport Minister Steven Joyce says the government has moved to tackle the growing issue of motorcycle and moped safety with a number of actions aimed at better training for novice and returning riders.

"Cabinet has approved changes that will ensure people have a range of safe skills when they start riding motorcycles and mopeds. These are of part of a package completing first actions from the Safer Journeys road safety strategy," said Joyce.

Actions to improve motorcycle and moped safety are:

  • Strengthen motorcycle licence tests and make them more motorcycle specific. 
  • Remove the option for motorcyclists to complete an approved driving course (Defensive Driving or Street Talk) to reduce their time on a restricted motorcycle licence and introduce motorcycle-specific training as an alternative to the standard testing regime. 
  • Require all novice motorcyclists, regardless of age, to be subject to the same minimum time requirements at the restricted licence stage. Currently, over 25 year olds have a shorter time requirement on the restricted licence before they may progress to a full licence. 
  • Require all moped riders to complete a moped-specific basic handling skills test along with a motorcycle learner theory test to obtain a new Class 6M licence (to be phased in over three years). 
  • Introduce a power-to-weight restriction for novice riders. 
  • Develop appropriate refresher training for returning riders and encourage uptake. 
  • Promote the benefits of high-visibility and protective clothing.

A power-to-weight restriction for novices replaces the current cc restrictions, as there are now high performance bikes available with a low cc.

"Power-to-weight restrictions would allow novice riders a greater range of bikes that are suited to their skill levels. Promoting refresher training and protective clothing will help improve the safety of both novices and returning riders," said Joyce.

Motorcyclists are 20 times more at risk of being involved in a fatal or serious injury crash than car drivers per kilometre driven, he said.

"With more new riders every day, these steps are vital to keep riders safe on the road."

Since declining in the late 1990s, motorcycle related deaths have increased by 68% since 2004, said Joyce. This had coincided with a quadrupling of motorcycle registrations.

Actions for improving the safety of moped and motorcycle riders will be included in a Driver Licensing Amendment Rule and consultation on the rule will start shortly.



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