Monday 4 April 2011

E-Vivacity Scooter from Peugeot

Peugeot is more famous for their cars than scooter – in fact, you might just scratch your head and start to wonder just when did the French motor company ever release any kind of motorcycles or scooters? The answer is recently, in the form of the battery-powered e-Vivacity. Of course, this isn’t Peugeot’s first attempt where the electric scooter market is concerned, as they did make an attempt all the way back in 1996 with the Scoot’elec. That model used nickel-cadmium batteries though, while the e-Vivacity will carry an advanced lithium-ion pack from manufacturer Saft, taking a mere four hours to juice up using a standard European 230-volt plug. Of course, for those who are in a hurry, a rapid 2 hour charge will yield an 80% full battery. The e-Vivacity is capable of getting around at 28mph within a 60 mile range before it runs out of juice, which is just about equal to a conventional 50cc gasoline-fueled scooter. No idea on pricing as at press time, but it does seem to be the perfect little people mover for intra-city use.